Well, we did it!
Welcomed with real kindness by the people of Torry, Aberdeen, Climate Camp was home to over 200 people from Scotland and across the world who lived, learned and took action together in five days of North Sea sunshine.
We demanded protection for the beautiful St. Fittick’s Park, Torry’s last green space, as we marched from the Park to the City before occupying Aberdeen Harbour, where Old Torry was demolished to make way for the oil industry. We said never again!
We protested in the centre of Aberdeen to hear testimony of the many asylum seekers who are detained in miserable conditions by the UK Government. There is no climate justice without migrant justice!
We demanded a community-led just transition from fossil fuels, but we also built that future ourselves: solar-powered, people-powered, 100% compostable, right in the heart of the oil capital of Europe.
A cooperative and caring community of action that we made together.
Many thanks to those of you who donated generously on site. If you didn’t and are able, or would be able to give us a few pounds more, we would greatly appreciate it: it could be the difference in enabling us to do a bigger and bolder camp next year, or doing some extra actions throughout the year.
You can donate anytime at this link. Thanks pals.
Share your thoughts
We didn’t get everything right, of course, and everyone involved in organising will find feedback extremely helpful. So please share your thoughts on what didn’t go so well, as well as your broader reflections on the week.
Join the chatter, get stuck in
Still buzzing from Climate Camp or want to just follow-up on something?
We’re sharing photos, stories, resources, videos and ideas for what’s next on our discussion board, Slack. Everyone is welcome to join.
Slack is one of the main ways we deal with non-urgent chatter between meetings so you might see it mentioned elsewhere in this message.
New Accessibility group
Climate Camp’s Accessibility Signal Group is to explore, unpack and work towards making future climate camps in Scotland super accessible within the inner and outer organising structures. We welcome EVERYONE, find out more here!
Climate Camp ‘22 Resource Pack
We’ve started a Resource Pack containing audio recordings, zines, photos, videos, articles, discussion notes and other records shared by workshop leaders and speakers.
It’s still being added so check back in a week or so if something’s missing, and if you’ve got something useful to share yourself do post it on Slack and we can add it in.
Climate Camp on tv
Climate Camp’s Media team was working hard to tell the stories of our actions and thanks to their efforts climate justice was big news!
You can also read our Media Team’s report of print articles, online stories and podcasts here. We’ll have more photos and videos to share soon.
Future plans
Climate Camp crew still have a bit of unpacking, tidying and evaluation to do but we are super excited about what’s possible following our success in Aberdeen and have heard lots of cool ideas for the Autumn and beyond...
Here’s some things likely to be coming up:
Open meeting to evaluate the camp
Autumn outreach in Grangemouth
Hotel detention rally, Greenock, with MORE
SCAMPI meet-ups
Kitchen, Facilitation, and other team chats
Thank you for reading and we’ll see you very soon,
Climate Camp Scotland