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Notes for Press and Media 

We welcome media engagement during our Climate Camp in Aberdeen. First and foremost we must protect the wellbeing and anonymity of the activists at the camp, allowing them a safe space to organise. To fulfil this aim, Climate Camp Scotland have agreed the following; 


Before the camp 

We will publish the location of the camp on Wednesday. We will update the media via email. If you are a member of the press and are not receiving our email updates, please contact 


During the camp 

  1. If you are a member of the press and want to come to the camp, please get in touch with or call 07761490658 ahead of time. 

  2. On arrival to the camp, all media must make themselves known at the info tent. 

  3. A member of the media team will accompany all press and media during their visit to the site.

  4. No filming is allowed inside marquees, during workshops or decision making on-site unless you have been pre-approved by the media team. Wide shots can be captured at a distance from the camp. 

  5. All filming, photography and interviews are opt-in for camp participants. We do not allow close filming of individuals’ faces without their expressed consent.


During Protests and Actions

  1. All media is welcome. 

  2. We will have excellent spokespeople available from the local community and from the national Climate Camp Scotland organising group. 


A picture folder from this camp will be regularly updated here and is free to use:

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