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Mossmorran Action Weekend 
Covid & Access Guide 

Please don't come to camp if you have any of the common symptoms of COVID-19 or had contact with anyone who contracted COVID-19. Get tested before you travel! Visit NHS Scotland for more information.  

Online Sign-up

Infection levels in Scotland and Fife are currently high but falling. We would like to caution all of our friends and allies that we are monitoring the Covid situation closely. We will consider carefully any last minute changes to Scottish Government guidance and continue to assess the public health risks to make this event as safe as possible.

If you think you are likely to attend, please sign-up here. We will be limiting numbers on site, and if we reach capacity, will give preference to people who have booked in advance.

Covid: Who Cannot Participate?

According to NHS Scotland the most common symptoms are a new:
  • continuous cough

  • fever/high temperature (37.8C or greater)

  • loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

A new continuous cough is where you:

  • have a new cough that’s lasted for an hour

  • have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours

  • are coughing more than usual

A high temperature is feeling hot to the touch on your chest or back (you don’t need to measure your temperature). You may feel warm, cold or shivery.

Some people will have more serious symptoms, including pneumonia or difficulty breathing, which might require admission to hospital.

Screenshot 2021-07-14 at 09.45.08.png

Image source: Lara Herrero, Research Leader in Virology and Infectious Disease, Griffith University via the Conversation.

If you have COVID symptoms or have had contact with someone who has you should not participate in any part of the weekend to minimize the risk of infection to others.

If you start to experience symptoms during the weekend, isolate yourself and inform Climate Camp Scotland immediately. You can contact the organisers at

People with pre-existing conditions may want to consider if they feel it is safe to participate. If you’re unsure whether you or people in your household are at higher risk, check NHS Scotland here.

If you can’t take part in person for any reason get in touch with us to find out what you can to participate off-site. We are looking for people to help with press, social media, arrestee support and digital actions. Get in touch with us to find a way in which you can participate safely. 

We are aware of the rising infection levels in Fife and Scotland in general at present, and would like to caution all of our friends and allies that we are monitoring the situation closely. We will consider carefully if we should postpone or cancel the camp, taking into consideration any major changes to Scottish Government guidance or our own assessment of the public health risks.

Covid Testing & Vaccination
Before the Weekend 
  • We strongly encourage all participants to minimise social contact as much as possible for 7 days before the weekend.

  • If you can, please arrange to be tested within 48 hours of the start of the weekend and bring your results to the camp. You can order free home testing kits from the NHS here.

  • The nearest NHS Testing Sites to the camp is Dunfermline (Dell Farquharson House), where pre-booking is normally required. The nearest drive-through sites are at Glenrothes and Edinburgh Airport, for details and booking click here

  • Even if you are double vaccinated please continue to follow all COVID guidelines, in order to reduce risks for everyone. 

On-site testing: Climate Camp Scotland will provide lateral flow COVID tests at the site. We will be requesting that people who don’t have a recent test result take a test at the camp entrance, including those that are vaccinated. 

Post-camp testing: We encourage you to get tested on your return home and that you self isolate and reduce social contact in the week after the weekend. 

If you have tested positive for COVID and attended any part of the Mossmorran Action Weekend please inform Climate Camp Scotland immediately by emailing


Location and Travel

The Meeting Point for Friday and Saturday morning will be Station Road by Cowdenbeath Railway Station. At these times we will run a shuttle bus between the Meeting Point to the camp itself. Unfortunately this bus won’t be suitable for wheelchairs.


We will publish the exact location on Friday 30th July by email. To be notified sign-up at 


The site will be accessible by bicycle and have car parking on site for the duration. Car parking will be on a field, so if the weather is poor please bear in mind it may be muddy. We will not be able to provide secure cycle storage and can’t take responsibility for people’s vehicles.


If you are able to cycle we would encourage you to do so, as this reduces the need for shuttle journeys and keeps the spaces for those who need it. We will provide simple instructions for cyclists when the site is announced.


There is also a good footpath that you can follow from the site to the nearest bus stop, less than 30 minutes walk away.


On Saturday all activities will take place at the camp location. On Sunday a static action will take place off-site for around 3 hours. The mini-bus will be available for people who can use it. We hope to enable parking at the site of the action, although it is possible the police may impair this.


Site Access

We are in the process of arranging materials to build a step-free, wheelchair accessible site, including tracks between tents and a wheelchair accessible toilet which would open at 6pm on Friday. We’re sorry this is not yet fully confirmed, and will get this information updated as soon as it is.


Seating on hay bales will be available in indoor spaces and we will prioritise access for those who need it, including at the front of spaces for those who need it.


The Welcome Zone will be kept as a quiet space for the duration of the weekend for anyone wanting some time away from larger groups.


Electric charging will be available in limited quantities but we will prioritise people who need it for access devices. If at all possible please bring your own battery charger.


Programme, Children and Young People

The full event programme will be published online at least a week in advance of the event. Large type-face printed copies will also be available in the Welcome Zone on site.


Children and young people of all ages are welcome on site, including overnight camping. We will run a creche for the duration of the Saturday workshops and plenary programme. We are hoping to organise a separate children’s activities programme but can’t confirm this at this point.



We are able to arrange signing for attendees who need it on a request basis. Please get in touch with us a week in advance of the camp if you would find this helpful by emailing


Sessions and workshops will be in English. If you have a language need we might be able to assist with, do get in touch.


The full camp programme will be published online in English prior to the beginning of the weekend with more information about sessions and workshops. If you need this document in any other form get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.


Welcome Zone

You’ll be able to get first aid, medical assistance, sanitary products, sun cream, midge spray, condoms, covid tests, face masks, electric charging and the camp programme at the Welcome Zone. Here you’ll also be able to get advice regarding access needs and assistance with travel on and off site.



The camp site will open Friday evening from 6pm for anyone who would like to join us at that time. We invite all participants who are able to bring their own tent and camp on site as there will be plenty of room. The campsite will close on Sunday evening. 


The camp site is adjacent to the marquees where the main sessions will take place, and the parking area.


Additionally we will be offering a mini-bus shuttle to and from the meeting point (see Transport) to enable people to stay off-site. Requests to leave the site will be organised from the Welcome Zone, to book an arrival pick-up, send us an email.


We can take requests to be accommodated in the homes of local people, just email, although please bear in mind this will be on a first-come first-served basis.


Covid Safety at the Camp

Masks: Unless you are exempt, bring at least three masks for the weekend. At the Welcome Zone we’ll also provide FFP2-grade masks for those who need them. Masks must be worn in the big tents, during workshops, when queuing, during mass actions and in communal areas unless you are exempt. If you don’t wear a mask we might ask you why: we know this is an imposition, but we do want to limit risks as much as possible.

Physical distancing: A minimum distance of 2 meters between people applies inside and outside, except within households. 

Hand cleaning and disinfection: We should wash and/or disinfect our hands regularly and thoroughly according to the recommended procedure. Please bring hand sanitiser for your own use! 

Hand sanitizing stations: We will provide hand sanitizing stations including various spaces to wash your hands (including at the toilets, kitchen and eating areas and communal/workshop spaces).

One-way system: In certain areas of the camp we may have a one way system. Please follow the lines to allow for more physical distancing.

Enclosed spaces: In enclosed spaces and during plenary sessions it is necessary to wear a mask, follow the physical rule of 2 meters and to ensure the space is well ventilated. We will conduct as many sessions and communal events outside. 

Aerosol transmission: COVID spreads very fast through aerosols. Please don't chant or sing amidst others and remember to keep your mask on if you can. 

Isolation area: If someone develops symptoms of COVID, they are asked to stay in the isolation area up until they can leave the site. Please let us know and leave the site with care to avoid transmission to others.

Workshops: We may limit the number of participants for workshops sessions to ensure distancing and participants are asked to wear masks.

Food and Drink

Eating and Meal Times

A vegan meal will be provided to all camp attendees three times a day on Saturday and Sunday, and on Friday night for people helping set-up. Meal times will be published with the Programme in the coming weeks. Donations are appreciated to help cover costs. 

If you have dietary requirements, please contact us in advance at and we can let the Kitchen Crew know. Alternatively speak to the Welcome Zone on arrival who can advise.

Sharing meals is an important part of building our movement. However, please don't share food amongst each other as this poses a high risk for transmission of COVID. Please use any one way systems to receive food and return plates in the designated area as instructed by Kitchen Crew. Only take your mask off during eating or drinking.

Water and Drinks

A water tap, regularly cleaned, will be available on-site. It is important you bring your own bottle to drink from, to reduce the need for washing up, and reduce contamination.

Hot drinks will be available on occasion throughout the weekend.


Toilets and Sanitation

We are planning to offer three sets of toilets on-site: compost sit down toilets accessed by steps, pee-only toilets, and a wheel-chair accessible toilet. We cannot 100% confirm the latter yet but we expect to be able to do so within the next few days.

Hand washing will be available adjacent to the toilets where sanitiser will also be provided.

Please follow any one way systems around toilets to reduce crowding and sanitise your hands before and after use. Toilets will be cleaned and sanitised every three hours.

We are not able to provide showers at the camp.


Alcohol and Drugs

Please do not bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the site. We would like to create a family friendly space for the duration of the weekend and this will help us maintain a safe space.

We do not encourage smoking on the campsite. A designated smoking area will be organised over the weekend to ensure people can smoke without disturbing other participants.


Sunday Action

During the action on Sunday we will try to spread out the group, keeping the 2m distance. Stewards will be in place to support the distancing. Face Masks should be worn at all times.

It is not always possible to keep the minimum distance of 2 meters between people during actions or demonstrations, for example due to Police marshalling. We should all try to avoid situations where the minimum distance cannot be maintained or attempt to keep them as short as possible.


Buddies and Affinity Groups

To make the weekend more fun we encourage participants to buddy up and form larger affinity groups. Buddies and affinity groups can look out for each other and check-in on each others’ welfare. These groups can also help with communication and decision making during actions. We hope to be able to assist people in finding new buddies and affinity groups during the weekend.



Climate Camp Scotland have based our plans on NHS Scotland advice and our own research to ensure our actions can be as safe as possible.

To get the latest information on how COVID regulations affect protest and other relevant legal restrictions, visit:

Information on COVID can be found on the NHS Scotland website:

This guide is based on the Hygiene Concept by Ende Gelände 2020:

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